
To everyone who wants to work at hotel or ryokan in Japan.

We support you.


シンシアエージェントは、ホテル・旅館りょかん特化とっかした外国がいこく人材じんざい紹介しょうかいおこなっています。 日本にほん全国ぜんこくのからホテル・旅館りょかん求人きゅうじん情報じょうほうあつまっています。 人材じんざい登録とうろくいただくみなさんには、登録とうろく紹介しょうかいともな費用ひようがかかりません。 ぜひ、ほんサイトをご参照さんしょういただき、人材じんざい登録とうろくをおちしております。

Sincere Agent introduces foreign human resources specializing in hotels and inns. Recruitment information for hotels and inns from all over Japan is gathered. For those who register as human resources, there is no cost associated with registration or referral. We look forward to welcoming you to our website and registering your talent.

Features of our service

宿泊業しゅくはくぎょう特化とっかSpecializing in the accommodation industry


This is a service that specializes in recruiting staff for hotels and inns. For those interested in finding a job in the accommodation industry in Japan, here is your chance to find a job.

をサポートVISA/residence status support


在留ざいりゅう資格しかく についてはこちら。

We support the application for status of residence associated with work. Sincere International, an administrative lawyers’ corporation, boasts one of the best application results in this field, and you can rest assured that the permission acquisition rate is over 99.5%.

Click here for status of residence.

紹介しょうかいIntroduce job offers from reliable companies


We introduce job offers from companies with a good employment environment. We will introduce recruitment information of companies that emphasize legal compliance such as joining social insurance and paying extra wages, so you can work for a long time with peace of mind.

対象者たいしょうしゃ Target people

日本にほん在住ざいじゅう外国人がいこくじん Foreigners residing in Japan


You can work in as little as 3 months after registration.

海外かいがい在住ざいじゅう外国人がいこくじんForeigners living overseas


You can start working in as little as 6 months after registration.




Those who meet the requirements of the status of residence in Japan are eligible.

・Explanations of status of residence

・The schedule

求人きゅうじん情報じょうほうJob Information